
There are ways to make the cadastre a corruption-free zone

Commissions are organized for pre-trial settlement of disputes on state registration of rights to real estate objects

Legal information

Award ceremony at the Cadastre Agency

By the decision of the United Nations, December 9 is celebrated as the International Anti-Corruption Day

"30th anniversary of the Constitution of Uzbekistan"

On November 30, 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted Resolution No. 685.

Decision and execution: the land fund was changed in Khatirchinsky and Kiziltepa districts

766 hectares of land put up for auction were sold for 662 billion soums

Equality and transparency must be ensured in land relations

Kadastr agentligi hamda Slovakiya Respublikasi Geodeziya, kartografiya va kadastr idorasi o‘rtasida hamkorlik aloqalari o‘rnatilmoqda.

Yuridik boshqarmaga tayinlovYuridik boshqarmaga tayinlov